This list is in no particular order, and is preliminary.
Beyond TFIDF Weighting for Text Categorization in the Vector Space Model
Pascal Soucy, Guy Mineau
Planning with Loops
Hector Levesque
Propositional argumentation and causal reasoning
Alexander Bochman
Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis
Peter Turney
Building the Semantic Web from RDF Straw
Peter Patel-Schneider
Data Complexity of Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics
Ullrich Hustadt, Boris Motik, Ulrike Sattler
Meaning development versus predefined meanings in language evolution models
Paul Vogt
Possibilistic Stable Models
Two-Sided Bandits and the Dating Market
Sanmay Das, Emir Kamenica
Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies
Zhisheng Huang, Frank van Harmelen, Annette ten Teije
Measuring conflict and agreement between two prioritized belief bases
Guilin Qi, Weiru Liu, David A. Bell
Dimensionality Estimation and Manifold Learning in high-dimensional Spaces by Tensor Voting
Philippos Mordohai, Gerard Medioni
Dual Lookups in Pattern Databases
Ariel Felner, Uzi Zahavi, Robert Holte, Jonathan Schaeffer
A Live-User Evaluation of Collaborative Web Search
Barry Smyth, Evelyn Balfe, Peter Briggs, Maurice Coyle, Jill Freyne, Oisin Boydell, Keith Bradley
Resolution in Max-SAT and its relation to local consistency in weighted CSPs
Javier Larrosa, Federico Heras
Pushing the EL Envelope
Franz Baader, Sebastian Brandt, Carsten Lutz
On the Axiomatic Foundations of Ranking Systems
Altman Alon, Moshe Tennenholtz
Stacked Sequential Learning
vitor carvalho, william cohen
Bounded Policy Iteration for Decentralized POMDPs
Daniel Bernstein, Eric Hansen, Shlomo Zilberstein
Regret-based Utility Elicitation in Constraint-based Decision Problems
Craig Boutilier, Relu Patrascu, Pascal Poupart, Dale Schuurmans
Sequential-Simultaneous Information Elicitation in Multi-Agent Systems
Moshe Tennenholtz, Gal Bahar
A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization
Adrian Petcu, Boi Faltings
Learning to Play Like the Great Pianists
Asmir Tobudic, Gerhard Widmer
Efficient Distributed ``Hormone'' Graph Gradients.
Esben Ostergaard
Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion in the Traffic Accident Domain
Richard Johansson, Anders Berglund, Magnus Danielsson, Pierre Nugues
Training without data:Knowledge Insertion into RBF Neural Networks
Kenneth McGarry, Stefan Wermter
Cognitive Modelling of Event Ordering Reasoning in Imagistic Domains
Laura S. Mastella, Mara Abel, Luís C. Lamb, Luiz F. De Ros
Solving Logic Program Conflict through Strong and Weak Forgettings
Yan Zhang, Norman Foo, Kewen Wang
Optimal and Suboptimal Singleton Arc Consistency Algorithms
Christian Bessiere, Romuald Debruyne
Solving Checkers
Jonathan Schaeffer, Neil Burch, Paul Lu, Robert Lake, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Mueller, Steve Sutphen, Yngvi Bjornsson
A Probabilistic Learning Method for XML Annotation of Document
Boris Chidlovskii, Jérôme Fuselier
Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence: Models and Representations
Mirella Lapata, Regina Barzilay
A Simple-Transition Model for Relational Sequences
Alan Fern
A Logical Model of Nash Bargaining Solution
Dongmo Zhang
A Unified Theory of Structural Tractability in Constraint Satisfaction and Spread Cut Decompositions
David Cohen, Peter Jeavons, Marc Gyssens
Propositional Abduction is Almost Always Hard
Nordh Gustav, Bruno Zanuttini
Learning Payoff Functions in Infinite Games
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Michael Wellman, Satinder Singh
Generative modeling with failure in PRISM
Taisuke Sato, Yoshitaka Kameya, Neng-Fa Zhou
Clinical-Reasoning Skill Acquisition through Intelligent Group Tutoring
Siriwan Suebnukarn, Peter Haddawy
Partial and Vague Knowledge for Similarity Measures
Timo Steffens
Cho-k-NN: A Method for Combining Interacting Pieces of Evidence in Case-Based Learning
Eyke Huellermeier
Propagating Logical Combinations of Constraints
Toby Walsh, Fahiem Bacchus
The Backbone of the Travelling Salesperson
Philip Kilby, John Slaney, Toby Walsh
Applying Local Search to Disjunctive Temporal Problems
Michael Moffitt, Martha Pollack
An MCMC Approach to Solving Hybrid Factored MDPs
Branislav Kveton, Milos Hauskrecht
Complete MCS-Based Search
Philippe Laborie
A Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics
Stephanie Elzer, Sandra Carberry, Ingrid Zukerman, Daniel Chester, Nancy Green, Seniz Demir
Optimal Refutations for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Tudor Hulubei, Barry O'Sullivan
A Formal Investigation of Mapping Language for Terminological Knowledge
Luciano Serafini, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Holger Wache
Iterated Belief Change: A Transition System Approach
Aaron Hunter, James Delgrande
Limited Discrepancy Beam Search
David Furcy, Sven Koenig
Discovering Classes of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs
Fangzhen Lin, Yin Chen
Abstraction-based Action Ordering in Planning
Maria Fox, Derek Long
Automatic Learning of Information Extraction Patterns
Mark Stevenson, Mark Greenwood
Optimal Nonmyopic Value of Information in Graphical Models - Efficient Algorithms and Theoretical Limits
Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin
Equivalence in Abductive Logic
Katsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama
Analogy Generation with HowNet
Tony Veale
ROCCER: an Algorithm for Rule Learning Based on ROC Analysis
Ronaldo Prati, Peter Flach
Counting Solutions of CSPs: A Structural Approach
Gilles Pesant
A Model for Generating Random Quantified Boolean Formulas
Hubie Chen, Yannet Interian
Parameterized Compilability
Hubie Chen
Repairing Concavities in ROC Curves
Peter Flach, Shaomin Wu
Efficiency and envy-freeness in fair division of indivisible goods: logical representation and complexity
Sylvain Bouveret, Jerome Lang
Signal-to-Score Music Transcription using Graphical Models
Emir Kapanci, Avi Pfeffer
View Learning for Statistical Relational Learning
Jesse Davis, Elizabeth Burnside, Ines Dutra, David Page, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Vitor Santos Costa, Jude Shavlik
Probabilistic Reasoning with Hierarchically Structured Variables
Rita Sharma, David Poole
Reinforcement Learning in POMDPs Without Resets
Eyal Even-Dar, Sham Kakade, Yishay Mansour
Semi-Supervised Regression with Co-Training
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Ming Li
Tractable Reasoning with Incomplete Knowledge in Dynamic Systems
Yongmei Liu, Hector Levesque
Maps for Verbs: The Relationship between Interaction Dynamics and Verb Use
Paul Cohen, Clayton Morrison, Erin Cannon
Counting and Occurrence Constraints
Christian Bessiere, Emmanuel Hebrard, Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Toby Walsh
The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets
Judy Goldsmith, Jerome Lang, Mirek Truszczynski, Nic Wilson
Reconstructing an Agent's Epistemic State from Observations
Richard Booth, Alexander Nittka
Proactive Algorithms for Scheduling with Probabilistic Durations
Chris Beck, Nic Wilson
QCSP-Solve: A Solver for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Ian Gent, Peter Nightingale, Kostas Stergiou
A flexible and robust similarity measure for analogy-based AI methods and analytical tasks
Hui Wang, Werner Dubitzky
A Tableaux Decision Procedure for SHOIQ
Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
Playing the Game of Feature Selection
Shay Cohen, Gideon Dror, Eytan Ruppin
Carlos Hernandez, Pedro Meseguer
Inverse Resolution as Belief Change
Maurice Pagnucco, David Rajaratnam
Generalization Error of Linear Neural Networks in an Empirical Bayes Approach
Shinichi Nakajima, Sumio Watanabe
Reasoning under inconsistency: the forgotten connective
sebastien konieczny, Jerome Lang, Pierre Marquis
You Are Wrong!---Automatic Detection of Interaction Errors from Brain Waves
Jose del R. Millan, Pierre Ferrez
Iterated Belief Revision, Revised
Yi Jin, Michael Thielscher
Quota and Gmin Merging Operators
patricia everaere, sebastien konieczny, Pierre Marquis
Optimized Execution of Action Chains Using Learned Performance Models of Abstract Actions
Freek Stulp, Michael Beetz
Collective AI: context awareness via communication
Sergey Kornienko, Olga Kornienko, Paul Levi
Three Truth Values for the SAT and MAX-SAT Problems
Frédéric Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion, Jin-Kao Hao
Aspects of Distributed and Modular Ontology Reasoning
Luciano Serafini, Alex Borgida, Andrei Tamilin
Automating the Discovery of Recommendation Knowledge
David McSherry, Christopher Stretch
Sensitivity Analysis in Markov Networks
Hei Chan, Adnan Darwiche
Reducing Checks and Revisions in Coarse-grained MAC Algorithms
Deepak Mehta, Marc van Dongen
Existential arc consistency: getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs
Javier Larrosa, Simon de Givry, Federico Heras, Matthias Zytnicki
Computational ontologies of parthood, componenthood, and containment
Thomas Bittner, Maureen Donnelly
The Inferential Complexity of Bayesian and Credal Networks
Cassio de Campos, Fabio Cozman
Decision Diagrams for the Computation of Semiring Valuations
Nic Wilson
Automatic Semantic Role Labeling for Chinese Verbs
Nianwen Xue, Martha Palmer
A new approach to Multiobjective A* search
Lawrence Mandow, Jose Luis Perez de la Cruz
Probabilistic Reasoning for Plan Robustness
Steven Schaffer, Bradley Clement, Steve Chien
DPLL with a Trace: From SAT to Knowledge Compilation
Jinbo Huang, Adnan Darwiche
Game-Tree Search with Combinatorially Large Belief States
Austin Parker, Dana Nau, VS Subrahmanian
Identifiability of Path-Specific Effects
Chen Avin, Ilya Shpitser, Judea Pearl
A Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Approach for Modeling Human Activities
Jonathan Lester, Tanzeem Choudhury, Nicky Kern, Gaetano Borriello, Blake Hannaford
Scale-Based Monotonicity Analysis in Qualitative Modelling with Flat Segments
Martin BROOKS, Yuhong YAN, Daniel Lemire
Bin Completion Algorithms for Packing and Knapsack Problems
Alex Fukunaga, Richard Korf
Attribution of Knowledge to Artificial Agents and their Principals
Samir Chopra, Laurence White
A Novel Approach to Model Generation for Heterogeneous Data Classification
Rong Jin, Huan Liu
Learning with Labeled Sessions
Rong Jin, Huan Liu, Feng Kang
Stepwise nearest neighbor discriminant analysis
Xipeng Qiu, Lide Wu
Semantic Argument Classification Exploiting Argument Interdependence
Zheng Ping Jiang, Jia Li, Hwee Tou Ng
Leaf-Value Tables for Pruning Non-Zero-Sum Games
Nathan Sturtevant
Finding checkmates in Kriegspiel
Stuart Russell, Jason Wolfe
Compiling Bayesian Networks with Local Structure
Mark Chavira, Adnan Darwiche
Choosing between heuristics and strategies - an enhanced model for decision-making
Sarit Kraus, Shavit Talman, Rotem Toister
Exploring Various Knowledge in Feature-based Relation Extraction
On Solution Correspondences in Answer Set Programming
Thomas Eiter, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran
Stereotype extraction with default clustering
Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Viewing Referring Expression Generation as Search
Bernd Bohnet, Robert Dale
Feature Generation for Text Categorization Using World Knowledge
Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Shaul Markovitch
Real-Time Path Planning for Humanoid Robot Navigation
Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Masaki Fukuchi, Masahiro Fujita
Semantics for a useful fragment of the situation calculus
Gerhard Lakemeyer, Hector Levesque
Credible and Inexpensive Rating of Routine Human Activity
Daniel Wilson, Matthai Philipose
Extracting Certificates from Quantified Boolean Formulas
Marco Benedetti
An illustration of Inference by search
christophe Lecoutre, stephane Cardon
A Simple Model to Generate Hard Satisfiable Instances
ke Xu, frederic Boussemart, fred Hemery, christophe Lecoutre
Off-line reasoning about belief-based programs
Jerome Lang, Noel Laverny
Exploiting Informative Priors for Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees
James Cussens, Nicos Angelopoulos
Redundancy-free Island Parsing of Word Graphs
Bernd Kiefer
Minimal and Absent Information in Contexts
Floris Roelofsen, Luciano Serafini
Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Preferences
Wolfgang Faber, Kathrin Konczak
Accurate and Low-cost Location Estimation Using Kernels
Jeffrey Junfeng Pan, James Kwok, Qiang Yang, Yiqiang Chen
Extraction of Hierarchies Based on Inclusion of Co-occurring Words with Frequency Information
Eiko Yamamoto, Kyoko Kanzaki, Hitoshi Isahara
A Multi-Objective Multi-Modal Optimization Approach for Mining Stable Spatio-Temporal Patterns
Michele Sebag, Nicolas Tarrisson, Olivier Teytaud, Sylvain Baillet, Julien Lefevre
Automatic Acquisition of Expressions Representing Preparation and Utilization of an Object
Kentaro Torisawa
Conditional Planning in the Discrete Belief Space
Jussi Rintanen
Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search
Boi Faltings, Nguyen Quang Huy
Goal Change
Steven Shapiro, Yves Lesperance, Hector Levesque
Structural Symmetry Breaking
Meinolf Sellmann
Value Ordering for Finding All Solutions
Barbara Smith, Paula Sturdy
Analysis and Verification of Qualitative Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks: A Model-Checking Approach
Gregory Batt, Delphine Ropers, Hidde de Jong, Johannes Geiselmann, Radu Mateescu, Michel Page, Dominique Schneider
Scalability Study of Peer-to-Peer Consequence Finding
Philippe Chatalic, Philippe Adjiman, Francois Goasdoué, Marie Christine Rousset, Laurent Simon
SOPHIA: A Novel Approach for Textual Case-Based Reasoning
David Patterson, Niall Rooney, Vladimir Dobrynin, Mykola Galushka
The altricial-precocial spectrum for robots
Aaron Sloman
Updating Action Domain Descriptions
Thomas Eiter, Esra Erdem, Michael Fink, Jan Senko
A decision theoretic approach to task assistance for persons with dementia
Jen Boger, Pascal Poupart, Craig Boutilier, Jesse Hoey, Geoff Fernie, Alex Mihailidis
Supervaluation Semantics for an Inland Water Feature Ontology
Paulo Santos, Brandon Bennett, Georgios Sakellariou
TimeML-Compliant Text Analysis for Temporal Reasoning
Branimir Boguraev, Rie Ando
Learning Web Page Scores by Error Back-Propagation
Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori, Marco Maggini
Maintaining Coherent Perceptual Information Using Anchoring
Amy Loutfi, Silvia Coradeschi, Alessandro Saffiotti
Why Minimax Works: An Alternative Explanation
Mitja Lustrek, Ivan Bratko, Matjaz Gams
Exploiting Background Knowledge for Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Discovery
Martin Atzmueller, Frank Puppe, Hans-Peter Buscher
A Motion Closed World Assumption
Fusun Yaman, Dana Nau, VS Subrahmanian
The Complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems under Structural Restrictions
Georg Gottlob, Gianluigi Greco, Francesco Scarcello
Breaking symmetries in all different problems
Jean-Francois Puget
Going Far, Logically
Fusun Yaman, Dana Nau, VS Subrahmanian
On cohesion and coupling of domain descriptions
Ivan José VARZINCZAK, Andreas Herzig
Identifying Conflicts in Overconstrained Temporal Problems
Mark Liffiton, Michael Moffitt, Karem Sakallah, Martha Pollack
Fast and Complete Symbolic Plan Recognition
Dorit Avrahami, Gal Kaminka
A Model-Theoretic Counterpart of Loop Formulas
Joohyung Lee
AND/OR Branch-and-Bound for Graphical Models
Radu Marinescu, Rina Dechter
Theory of Alignment Generators and Applications to Statistical Machine Translation
Raghavendra Udupa, Hemanta Maji
Semantic annotation of ustructured and ungrammatical text
Matthew Michelson, Craig Knoblock
Generalized Amazons is PSPACE-Complete
Timothy Furtak, Masashi Kiyomi, Takeaki Uno, Michael Buro
The Role of Clustering on the Emergence of Efficient Social Conventions
Josep M. Pujol, Jordi Delgado, Ramon Sangüesa, Andreas Flache
Phase Transition of Dominating Clique Problem and Their Implications to Heuristics in Satisfiability Search
Joe Culberson, Yong Gao, Calin Anton
Sequential Genetic Search for Ensemble Feature Selection
Alexey Tsymbal, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Padraig Cunningham
Compound Effects of Top-down and Bottom-up Influences on Visual Attention During Action Recognition
Bassam Khadhouri, Yiannis Demiris
Learning Forward Models for Robots
Anthony Dearden, Yiannis Demiris
Learning to Understand Website Update Requests
Minkov Einat, william cohen, Anthony Tomasic
What class of preferences makes a negotiation simple?
Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet
Ordering Heuristics for Description Logic Reasoning
Ian Horrocks, Dmitry Tsarkov
Declarative and Computational Properties of Logic Programs with Aggregates
Francesco Calimeri, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Simona Perri
Learning against opponents with bounded memory
Rob Powers, Yoav Shoham
A Uniform Integration of Higher-Order Reasoning and External Evaluations in Answer Set Programming
Thomas Eiter, Giovambattista Ianni, Hans Tompits, Roman Schindlauer
Self Adaptive Particle Filter
Alvaro Soto
Over-subscription Planning with Metric Goals
J. Benton, Minh Do, Subbarao Kambhampati
Solving POMDPs with Continuous or Large Discrete Observation Spaces
Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart
A Probabilistic Model of Redundancy in Information Extraction
Douglas Downey, Oren Etzioni, Stephen Soderland
InterActive Feature Selection
Hema Raghavan, Omid Madani, Rosie Jones
Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms
Justin Werfel, Radhika Nagpal, Yaneer Bar-Yam
On the Interaction between Inverse Features and Path-functional Dependencies in Description Logics
David Toman, Grant Weddell
Mining Spatial Object Associations for Scientific Data
HUI YANG, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Sameep Mehta
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relations between Concepts of a Molecular Biology Ontology
Massimiliano Ciaramita, Aldo Gangemi, Esther Ratsch, Jasmin Saric, Isabel Rojas
Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning at the Knowledge Level
Marco Pistore, Annapaola Marconi, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Paolo Traverso
Learning and Inference over Constrained Output
Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, Scott Yih, Dav Zimak
Affine Algebraic Decision Diagrams (AADDs) and their Application to Structured Probabilistic Inferen
Scott Sanner, David Mcallester
A Novel Local Search Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem that Exploits Backbones
Weixiong Zhang
Inferring Image Templates from Classification Decisions
Arnab Dhua, Florin Cutzu
Hybrid Neuroevolution/Regression Search for Sequence Prediction
Daan Wierstra, Faustino Gomez, Juergen Schmidhuber
Asymptotic Conditional Probability in Modal Logic: A Probabilistic Reconstruction of Nonmonotonic Logic
Riccardo Rosati, Georg Gottlob
Phase Transitions within Grammatical Inference
Antoine CORNUEJOLS, Nicolas PERNOT, Michele Sebag
Encoding formulas with partially constrained weights in a possibilistic-like many-sorted propositional logic
Salem BENFERHAT, henri prade
Robust Ontology Acquisition from Machine-Readable Dictionaries
Eric Nichols, Francis Bond, Daniel Flickinger
Generalization Bounds for Weighted Binary Classification with Applications to Statistical Verification
vu ha, tariq samad
Combining structural description and image-based representation for image, object, and scene recognition
Nicolas Do Huu, Williams Paquier, Raja Chatila
Revision of Partially Ordered Information
salem benferhat, Sylvain Lagrue, Odile Papini
More on the Power of Demand Queries in Combinatorial Auctions: Learning Atomic Languages and Handling Incentives
Sebastien Lahaie, Florin Constantin, David Parkes
Continuous Time Particle Filtering
Brenda Ng, Avi Pfeffer, Richard Dearden
Planning with Continuous Resources in Stochastic Domains
Mausam Mausam, Emmanuel Benazera, Ronen Brafman, Eric Hansen, Nicolas Meuleau
Ranking and Selection of Cases with Decision Trees: a Geometric Method that Preserves Intelligibility
Isabelle Alvarez, Stephan Bernard
Learning Partially Observable Deterministic Action Models
Eyal Amir
Decentralized Search in Networks Using Homophily and Degree Disparity
Ozgur Simsek, David Jensen
Combining Memory and Landmarks with Predictive State Representations
Michael James, Britton Wolfe, Satinder Singh
Dynamically Constructed Bayes Nets for Multi-Domain Sketch Understanding
Christine Alvarado, Randall Davis
Integrating Planning and Temporal Reasoning for Domains with Durations and Time Windows
Gerevini Alfonso, Alessandro Saetti, Ivan Serina
Temporal Context Representation and Reasoning
Dan Moldovan, Christine Clark, Sanda Harabagiu
Distributive and Collective Readings in Group Protocols
Silvia Rossi, Sanjeev Kumar, Philip R. Cohen
Word Sense Disambiguation with Distribution Estimation
Yee Seng Chan, Hwee Tou Ng
BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects
Stuart Russell, Brian Milch, Bhaskara Marthi, David Sontag
Lifted First-Order Probabilistic Inference
Rodrigo de Salvo Braz, Eyal Amir, Dan Roth
Concurrent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Bhaskara Marthi, David Latham, Stuart Russell, Carlos Guestrin
Combining Learning Constraints and Numerical Regression
Dorian Suc, Ivan Bratko
PsychSim: Modeling Theory of Mind with Decision-Theoretic Agents
David Pynadath, Stacy Marsella
Representing Flexible Temporal Behaviors in the Situation Calculus
Alberto Finzi, fiora pirri
Efficient Stochastic Local Search for MPE Solving
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, Thomas Stuetzle
Bounded Search and Symbolic Inference for Constraint Optimization
Martin Sachenbacher, Brian Williams
Location-Based Activity Recognition using Relational Markov Networks
Lin Liao, Dieter Fox, Henry Kautz
The Compset Algorithm: A General Approach for Subset Selection
Shaul Markovitch, Yaniv Hamo
Efficient 2D Shape Classification
Graham McNeill, Sethu Vijayakumar
A Machine Learning Approach to Identification and Resolution of One-Anaphora
Hwee Tou Ng, Yu Zhou, Robert Dale, Mary Gardiner
Learning Coordination Classifiers
Dale Schuurmans, Yuhong Guo, Russ Greiner
Shallow Semantics for Relation Extraction
Paul Morarescu, Cosmin Bejan, Sanda Harabagiu
Learning Subjective Representations for Planning
Dana Wilkinson, Michael Bowling, Ali Ghodsi
Robust Planning with (L)RTDP
Olivier Buffet, Douglas Aberdeen
AND/OR Cutset Conditioning
Robert Mateescu, Rina Dechter
Topic and Role Discovery in Social Networks
Andrew McCallum, Andres Corrada-Emmanuel, Xuerui Wang
Model Compilation for Real-Time Planning and Diagnosis with Feedback
Anthony Barrett
Inferring Useful Heuristics from the Dynamics of Iterative Relational Classifiers
Aram Galstyan, Paul Cohen
TD Networks with History
Brian Tanner, Richard Sutton
A Two-Stage Method for Active Learning of Statistical Grammars
Markus Becker, Miles Osborne
Using Predictive Representations to Improve Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
Eddie Rafols, Mark Ring, Richard Sutton, Brian Tanner
State Abstraction Discovery from Irrelevant State Variables
Nicholas Jong, Peter Stone
Relational Object Maps for Mobile Robots
Benson Limketkai, Dieter Fox, Lin Liao
Learning Strategies for Open-Domain Natural Language Question Answering
Eugene Grois, David Wilkins
First-Order Logical Filtering
Afsaneh Shirazi, Eyal Amir
The Rules of Constraint Modelling
Alan Frisch, Christopher Jefferson, Bernadette Martinez-Hernandez, Ian Miguel
Improved Knowledge Acquisition for High-Performance Heuristic Search
Joachim Bekmann, Achim Hoffmann
The Necessity of Syntactic Parsing for Semantic Role Labeling
Wen-tau Yih, Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth
Algebraic Markov Decision Processes
patrice perny, olivier spanjaard, Paul Weng
Stationary Deterministic Policies for Constrained MDPs with Multiple Rewards, Costs, and Discount Factors
Dmitri Dolgov, Edmund Durfee