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IJCAI-05 Technical Poster Session

The IJCAI-2005 Poster Session will be held on Tuesday 2 August from 17:30 to 19:00. The posters will be situated in the exhibition area in the Cromdale Hall on Level -2 of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and will be displayed for the duration of the conference.

Poster Chair: Alessandro Saffiotti

Instructions to poster presenters are available.

The original call for posters is available for reference.


Motivated Agents
Kathryn Kasmarik, William Uther, and Mary-Lou Maher

Using AI and simulations to design and control space habitats
David Kortenkamp and Scott Bell

A Universal Measure of Intelligence for Artificial Agents
Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter

It's About Time
Neil Madden and Brian Logan

Automation Intelligence for the Smart Environment
G. Michael Youngblood, Edwin O. Heierman, Lawrence B. Holder, and Diane J. Cook


Allocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via decomposition and no-good generation
Luca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, and Michela Milano

Minimizing a Makespan Under Uncertainty
Jerome Fortin, Pawel Zielinski, Didier Dubois, and Helene Fargier

Scaling up WA* with Commitment and Diversity
David Furcy and Sven Koenig

A Covering Problem for Hypercubes
Jšrg Hoffmann and Sebastian Kupferschmid

Predicate-Oriented Isomorphism Elimination in Model Finding
Xiangxue Jia and Jian Zhang

Maintaining Arc Consistency using Adaptive Domain Ordering
Chavalit Likitvivatanavong, Yuanlin Zhang, James Owen, and Eugene C. Freuder

Combination of Local Search Strategies for Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem
Nysret Musliu

Corrective Explanation for Interactive Constraint Satisfaction
Barry O'Sullivan, Barry O'Callaghan, and Eugene C. Freuder

CSP Search with Responsibility Sets and Kernels
Igor Razgon and Amnon Meisels

Hypertree-decomposition via Branch-decomposition
Marko Samer

Improving Tree Decomposition Methods With Function Filtering
Marti Sanchez, Javier Larrosa, and Pedro Meseguer

Streamlining Local Search for Spatially Balanced Latin Squares
Casey Smith, Carla Gomes, and Cesar Fernandez


Abduction with Hypotheses Confirmation
Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni

A language for functional interpretation of model based simulation
Jonathan Bell, Neal Snooke, and Chris Price

A Non-monotonic Logic for Specifying and Querying Preferences
Guido Boella and Leendert van der Torre

A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, and Ilaria Torre

Explaining Search Results
Maurice Coyle and Barry Smyth

A Cognitive Model of Visual Analogical Problem-Solving Transfer
Jim Davies, Ashok K. Goel, and Nancy J. Nersessian

An Architecture for Proof Planning Systems
Louise A. Dennis

Explaining preferences with argument positions
Sylvie Doutre, Trevor Bench-Capon, and Paul E. Dunne

Heuristics for Hard ASP Programs
Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and Francesco Ricca

Incremental Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems
Alban Grastien, Marie-Odile Cordier, and Christine Largouet

Reflection Patterns for Interactive Knowledge Capture
Jihie Kim

A Unified Framework of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision and Update Based on State Transition Models
Yasuo Kudo and Tetsuya Murai

Redesign Support Framework based on Hierarchical Multiple Models
I. Lopez-Arevalo, A. Rodriguez-Martinez, A. Aldea, R. Banares-Alcantara, and L. Jimenez

Knowledge Based Approach for Mechanically Verifying Security Protocols
Xiaoqi Ma, Xiaochun Cheng, and Rachel McCrindle

Capturing and Reusing Case-Based Context for Image Retrieval
Dympna O'Sullivan, Eoin McLoughlin, Michela Bertolotto, and David C. Wilson

Dependency Calculus Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra
Marco Ragni and Alexander Scivos

Compact Propositional Encodings of First-Order Theories
Deepak Ramachandran and Eyal Amir

Computationally Grounded Model of BDI-Agents
Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang, and Guido Governatori

The Ontology Revision
Yu Sun and Yuefei Sui

A CLP-Based, Diagnosticity-Driven System for Concept Combinations
Georgios Tagalakis, Daniela Ferrari, and Mark T. Keane

Proof General / Eclipse: A Generic Interface for Interactive Proof
Daniel Winterstein, David Aspinall, and Christoph Luth


Using Learned Browsing Behavior Models to Recommend Relevant Web Pages
Tingshao Zhu, Russ Greiner, Gerald Haubl, Kevin Jewell, and Bob Price

A Study of Selection Noise in Collaborative Web Search
Ois’n Boydell, Barry Smyth, Cathal Gurrin, and Alan F. Smeaton

Image Retrieval and Disambiguation for Encyclopedic Web Search
Atsushi Fujii and Tetsuya Ishikawa

Learning Complex Event Descriptions by Abstraction
Ugo Galassi, Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta, and Marco Botta

Conditional Visuomotor Learning and Viability Theory
Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Helene Frankowska, Martine Meunier, and Driss Boussaoud

fMRI Analysis via One-class Machine Learning Techniques
David R. Hardoon and Larry M. Manevitz

Adaptive Support Vector Machine for Time-Varying Data Streams Using Martingale
Shen-Shyang Ho and Harry Wechsler

Automatic Hypertext Keyphrase Detection
Daniel Kelleher and Saturnino Luz

Relational Learning for Email Task Management
Rinat Khoussainov and Nicholas Kushmerick

A Fast Normalized Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Multinomial Data
Petri Kontkanen and Petri Myllymaki

Using Neutral Examples for Learning Polarity
Moshe Koppel and Jonathan Schler

Transfer in Learning by Doing
Bill Krueger, Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Paul Cohen, and Carole Beal

Supervised Local Tangent Space Alignment for Classification
Hongyu Li, Wenbin Chen, and I-Fan Shen

Active Cost-Sensitive Learning
Dragos D. Margineantu

Automatic learning of domain model for personalized hypermedia applications
Hermine Njike, Thierry Artieres, Patrick Gallinari, Julien Blanchard, and Guillaume Letellier

Kernels on Prolog Ground Terms
Andrea Passerini and Paolo Frasconi

A Learning Scheme for Generating Expressive Music Performances of Jazz Standards
Rafael Ramirez and Amaury Hazan

Incorporating a folding rule into inductive logic programming
David A. Rosenblueth

Development of new techniques to improve Web search
David Sanchez and Antonio Moreno

Intimate Learning: A Novel Approach for Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data
Zhongmin Shi and Anoop Sarkar

Collective Object Identification
Parag Singla and Pedro Domingos

Question Classification by Structure Induction
Menno van Zaanen, Luiz Augusto Pizzato, and Diego Molla

An Inductive Database for Mining Temporal Patterns in Event Sequences
Alexandre Vautier, Marie-Odile Cordier, and Rene Quiniou

Discovering Time Differential Law Equations Containing Hidden State Variables and Chaotic Dynamics
Takashi Washio, Fuminori Adachi, and Hiroshi Motoda

Learning Global Models Based on Distributed Data Abstractions
Xiaofeng Zhang and William K. Cheung


Language Learning in Multi-Agent Systems
Martin Allen, Claudia V. Goldman, and Shlomo Zilberstein

On the Evolution of Memory Size in the Minority Game (extended abstract)
Ricardo M. Araujo and Luis C. Lamb

Achieving Allocatively-Efficient and Strongly Budget-Balanced Mechanisms in the Network Flow Domain for Bounded-Rational Agents
Yoram Bachrach and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein

The Evolution of Artificial Social Systems
Guido Boella and Leendert van der Torre

Fast convergence to satisfying distributions
Teddy Candale and Sandip Sen

A rule language for modelling and monitoring social expectations in multi-agent systems
Stephen Cranefield

A Framework for Communication Planning on Mobile Devices
Joseph B. Kopena and William C. Regli

Trust No One: Evaluating Trust-based Filtering for Recommenders
John O'Donovan and Barry Smyth

Inter-Agent Communication: A Cost-Reduction Approach Using an Autonomous Mobile Mailbox
Armin Stranjak, Igor Cavrak, and Mario Zagar

Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments
Makoto Yokoo, Vincent Conitzer, Tuomas Sandholm, Naoki Ohta, and Atsushi Iwasaki

Value-Centric Trust Model with Improved Familiarity Measurement
Jie Zhang and Ali A. Ghorbani


Towards More Intelligent Mobile Search
Karen Church, Mark T. Keane, and Barry Smyth

An Inference Model for Semantic Entailment in Natural Language
Rodrigo de Salvo Braz, Roxana Girju, Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, and Mark Sammons

Discovering Inconsistency through ExaminationDialogues
Paul E. Dunne, Sylvie Doutre, and Trevor Bench-Capon

A Probabilistic Lexical Approach to Textual Entailment
Oren Glickman, Ido Dagan, and Moshe Koppel

Structural Representation and Matching of Articulatory Speech Structures based on the Evolving Transformation System (ETS) Formalism
Alexander Gutkin and David Gay

Sentence Extraction for Legal Text Summarisation
Ben Hachey and Claire Grover

Fault-Tolerant Context-Based Interpretation of Mathematical Formulas
Helmut Horacek and Magdalena Wolska

MDL-based Acquisition of Substitutability Relationships between Discourse Connectives
Ben Hutchinson

Can we assign attitudes to a computer based on its beeps? Toward an effective method for making humans empathize with artificial agents
Takanori Komatsu

Correspondence-guided Synchronous Parsing of Parallel Corpora
Jonas Kuhn

Naturalness of an Utterance Based on the Automatically Retrieved Commonsense
Rafal Rzepka, Yali Ge, and Kenji Araki

Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations
Violeta Seretan

Evaluating an NLG System using Post-Editing
Somayajulu G. Sripada, Ehud Reiter, and Lezan Hawizy

Online Support System for Mediator Education
Takahiro Tanaka, Yoshiaki Yasumura, Daisuke Katagami, and Katsumi Nitta

Appropriate Microplanning Choices for Low-Skilled Readers
Sandra Williams and Ehud Reiter


Mixed-Initiative Activity Planning for Mars Rovers
John Bresina, Ari J—nsson, Paul Morris, and Kanna Rajan

Planning with graded fluents and actions
Marta Cialdea, Carla Limongelli, Andrea Orlandini, and Valentina Poggioni

Automated Adaptive Support for Task and Information Prioritizing
Tjerk de Greef, and Peter-Paul van Maanen

Planning for Weakly-Coupled Partially Observable Stochastic Games
AnYuan Guo and Victor Lesser

Multi-Agent Assumption-Based Planning
Damien Pellier and Humbert Fiorino

Open-World Planning for Story Generation
Mark O. Riedl and R. Michael Young

Disjunctive Temporal Planning with Uncertainty
K. Brent Venable and Neil Yorke-Smith


Talking Robots: a Fully Autonomous Implementation of the Talking Heads
Jean-Christophe Baillie and Matthieu Nottale

An On-Line Time Warping Algorithm for Tracking Musical Performances
Simon Dixon

Path-Planning for Autonomous Training on Robot Manipulators in Space
Froduald Kabanza, Roger Nkambou, and Khaled Belghith

Growth of Motor Coordination in Early Robot Learning
M.H.Leeand Q. Meng

Measuring the Cost of Robotic Communication
Avi Rosenfeld, Gal A Kaminka, and Sarit Kraus

An Heuristic Search based Approach for Moving Objects Tracking
Elena S‡nchez-Nielsen and Mario Hernandez-Tejera

3-D Interpretation of Single Line Drawings
Kenji Shoji, Fubito Toyama, and Juichi Miyamichi

SVM-based Obstacles Recognition for Road Vehicle Applications
M.A. Sotelo, J. Nuevo, D. Fernandez, I. Parra, L.M. Bergasa, M. Ocana, and R. Flores

Detecting and locating faults in the control software of autonomous mobile robots
Gerald Steinbauer and Franz Wotawa

Learning discontinuities for switching between local models
Marc Toussaint and Sethu Vijayakumar


Model minimization by linear PSR
Masoumeh T.Izadi and Doina Precup

Using core beliefs for point-based value iteration
Masoumeh T. Izadi, Ajit V. Rajwade, and Doina Precup

Approximating Pseudo-Boolean Functions on Non-Uniform Domains
R.F. Lax, Guoli Ding, Peter P. Chen, and J.Chen

A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Possibilistic Belief Fusion
Churn-Jung Liau and Tuan-Fang Fan

Networked Distributed POMDPs: A Synergy of Distributed Constraint Optimization and POMDPs
Ranjit Nair, Pradeep Varakantham, Milind Tambe, and Makoto Yokoo

Coping with exceptions in multiclass ILP problems using possibilistic logic
Mathieu Serrurier and HenriPrade


Last updated: 07 September 2005

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