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IJCAI-05 Technical Poster SessionThe IJCAI-2005 Poster Session will be held on Tuesday 2 August from 17:30 to 19:00. The posters will be situated in the exhibition area in the Cromdale Hall on Level -2 of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Poster Chair: Alessandro Saffiotti Instructions to poster presenters are available. The original call for posters is available for reference. AI AND COGNITIVE ARCHITECTURESMotivated Agents Using AI and simulations to design and control space habitats A Universal Measure of Intelligence for Artificial Agents It's About Time Automation Intelligence for the Smart Environment CONSTRAINT SATISFACTION AND SEARCHAllocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via decomposition and no-good generation Minimizing a Makespan Under Uncertainty Scaling up WA* with Commitment and Diversity A Covering Problem for Hypercubes Predicate-Oriented Isomorphism Elimination in Model Finding Maintaining Arc Consistency using Adaptive Domain Ordering Combination of Local Search Strategies for Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem Corrective Explanation for Interactive Constraint Satisfaction CSP Search with Responsibility Sets and Kernels Hypertree-decomposition via Branch-decomposition Improving Tree Decomposition Methods With Function Filtering Streamlining Local Search for Spatially Balanced Latin Squares KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONINGAbduction with Hypotheses Confirmation A language for functional interpretation of model based simulation A Non-monotonic Logic for Specifying and Querying Preferences A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems Explaining Search Results A Cognitive Model of Visual Analogical Problem-Solving Transfer An Architecture for Proof Planning Systems Explaining preferences with argument positions Heuristics for Hard ASP Programs Incremental Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Reflection Patterns for Interactive Knowledge Capture A Unified Framework of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision and Update Based on State Transition Models Redesign Support Framework based on Hierarchical Multiple Models Knowledge Based Approach for Mechanically Verifying Security Protocols Capturing and Reusing Case-Based Context for Image Retrieval Dependency Calculus Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra Compact Propositional Encodings of First-Order Theories Computationally Grounded Model of BDI-Agents The Ontology Revision A CLP-Based, Diagnosticity-Driven System for Concept Combinations Proof General / Eclipse: A Generic Interface for Interactive Proof LEARNING AND INFORMATION EXTRACTIONUsing Learned Browsing Behavior Models to Recommend Relevant Web Pages A Study of Selection Noise in Collaborative Web Search Image Retrieval and Disambiguation for Encyclopedic Web Search Learning Complex Event Descriptions by Abstraction Conditional Visuomotor Learning and Viability Theory fMRI Analysis via One-class Machine Learning Techniques Adaptive Support Vector Machine for Time-Varying Data Streams Using Martingale Automatic Hypertext Keyphrase Detection Relational Learning for Email Task Management A Fast Normalized Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Multinomial Data Using Neutral Examples for Learning Polarity Transfer in Learning by Doing Supervised Local Tangent Space Alignment for Classification Active Cost-Sensitive Learning Automatic learning of domain model for personalized hypermedia applications Kernels on Prolog Ground Terms A Learning Scheme for Generating Expressive Music Performances of Jazz Standards Incorporating a folding rule into inductive logic programming Development of new techniques to improve Web search Intimate Learning: A Novel Approach for Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data Collective Object Identification Question Classification by Structure Induction An Inductive Database for Mining Temporal Patterns in Event Sequences Discovering Time Differential Law Equations Containing Hidden State Variables and Chaotic Dynamics Learning Global Models Based on Distributed Data Abstractions MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMSLanguage Learning in Multi-Agent Systems On the Evolution of Memory Size in the Minority Game (extended abstract) Achieving Allocatively-Efficient and Strongly Budget-Balanced Mechanisms in the Network Flow Domain for Bounded-Rational Agents The Evolution of Artificial Social Systems Fast convergence to satisfying distributions A rule language for modelling and monitoring social expectations in multi-agent systems A Framework for Communication Planning on Mobile Devices Trust No One: Evaluating Trust-based Filtering for Recommenders Inter-Agent Communication: A Cost-Reduction Approach Using an Autonomous Mobile Mailbox Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments Value-Centric Trust Model with Improved Familiarity Measurement NATURAL LANGUAGE AND USER INTERFACESTowards More Intelligent Mobile Search An Inference Model for Semantic Entailment in Natural Language Discovering Inconsistency through ExaminationDialogues A Probabilistic Lexical Approach to Textual Entailment Structural Representation and Matching of Articulatory Speech Structures based on the Evolving Transformation System (ETS) Formalism Sentence Extraction for Legal Text Summarisation Fault-Tolerant Context-Based Interpretation of Mathematical Formulas MDL-based Acquisition of Substitutability Relationships between Discourse Connectives Can we assign attitudes to a computer based on its beeps? Toward an effective method for making humans empathize with artificial agents Correspondence-guided Synchronous Parsing of Parallel Corpora Naturalness of an Utterance Based on the Automatically Retrieved Commonsense Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations Evaluating an NLG System using Post-Editing Online Support System for Mediator Education Appropriate Microplanning Choices for Low-Skilled Readers PLANNINGMixed-Initiative Activity Planning for Mars Rovers Planning with graded fluents and actions Automated Adaptive Support for Task and Information Prioritizing Planning for Weakly-Coupled Partially Observable Stochastic Games Multi-Agent Assumption-Based Planning Open-World Planning for Story Generation Disjunctive Temporal Planning with Uncertainty ROBOTICS AND PERCEPTIONTalking Robots: a Fully Autonomous Implementation of the Talking Heads An On-Line Time Warping Algorithm for Tracking Musical Performances Path-Planning for Autonomous Training on Robot Manipulators in Space Growth of Motor Coordination in Early Robot Learning Measuring the Cost of Robotic Communication An Heuristic Search based Approach for Moving Objects Tracking 3-D Interpretation of Single Line Drawings SVM-based Obstacles Recognition for Road Vehicle Applications Detecting and locating faults in the control software of autonomous mobile robots Learning discontinuities for switching between local models UNCERTAINTYModel minimization by linear PSR Using core beliefs for point-based value iteration Approximating Pseudo-Boolean Functions on Non-Uniform Domains A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Possibilistic Belief Fusion Networked Distributed POMDPs: A Synergy of Distributed Constraint Optimization and POMDPs Coping with exceptions in multiclass ILP problems using possibilistic logic